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6. How to customize as you like

These are customizing variables:

Hook of Oneliner's initial routine.

Hook for oneliner-comint-send(). oneliner-comint-send() runs this hook at last of function.

Non-nil means temporary files will not be deleted.

Non-nil means you can see the top of the pipe-buffer when you open one.

Non-nil means beep after command execution.

See also `oneliner-beep-time'.

Minimum interval in second after which `oneliner-beep' will take effect.

shell command name that your shell display current directory path.
(default:" \\pwd")

The first caracter (space) has a reason. I don't want to add the record of 'pwd' command to bash's history.

Non-nil means complement newline at the end of input data.

You should set this variable to 'non-nil'. Because when you execute this code echo -n abc |, 'pipe-buffer' doesn't have newline. Some program needs newline for input to recognize it as one line.

Non-nil means auto synchronization default-directory after prompt

The original shell.el offen misses to synchronize current directory. We fixed it on oneliner.el to use directory string in shell prompt.

Hold pairs of pipe-buffer number and its base buffer name.

e.g. If you specify to indirect the number '9' to `*scratch*', `*Oneliner pipe*9' and `*scratch*' are keeped same anytime.

Non-nil means handle control codes in oneliner-mode buffer.

You can execute programs such as 'wget' and 'apt-get' without corrupted screen.

Non-nil means block the key input during outpipe busy.

Non-nil means display the evaluated value of pipe-buffer.

EOL-TYPE for writing temporary file. You can select a type from [default,unix,dos,mac]. (default:nil=default)

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